Chapter 5

He drained his third cup of watery tea to the dregs ao chewing the crusts of fried bread that were scattered near him, staring into the dark pool of the jar. The yellow dripping had been scooped out like a boghole and the pool u brought back to his memory the dark turf-coloured water of the bath in gowes. The box of pawn tickets at his elbow had just been rifled aook up idly oer another in his greasy fihe blue and white dockets, scrawled and sanded and creased and bearing the name of the pledger as Daly or MacEvoy.

1 Pair Buskins.

1 D. Coat.

3 Articles and White.

1 Mans Pants.

The them aside and gazed thoughtfully at the lid of the box, speckled with louse marks, and asked vaguely:

-- How much is the clock fast now?

His mother straightehe battered alarm clock that was lying on its side in the middle of the mantelpietil its dial showed a quarter to twelve and then laid it once more on its side.

-- An hour and twenty-five minutes, she said. The right time……(内容加载失败!)




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