Chapter 7

March 20. Long talk with ly on the subjey revolt.

He had his grand manner on. I supple and suave. Attacked me on the score of love for ones mother. Tried to imagine his mother: ot. Told me once, in a moment of thoughtlessness, his father was sixty-one when he was born. see him. Strong farmer type. Pepper and salt suit. Square feet. U, grizzled beard. Probably attends c matches. Pays his dues regularly but not plentifully to Father Dwyer of Larras. Sometimes talks to girls after nightfall. But his mother? Very young or very old? Hardly the first. If so, ly would not have spoken as he did. Old then. Probably, and ed. Hence lys despair of soul: the child of exhausted loins.

March 21, m. Thought this in bed last night but was too lazy and free to add to it. Free, yes. The exhausted loins are those of Elizabeth and Zacchary. Then he is the precursor. Item: he eats chiefly belly ba and dried figs. Read locusts and wild honey. Also, when thinking of him, saw ……(内容加载失败!)




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