There was once a man, Harry, called the Steppenwolf. He went on two legs, wore clothes and was a human being, but heless he was iy a wolf of the Steppes. He had learned a good deal of all that people of a good intelligence , and was a fairly clever fellow. What he had not learned, however, was this: to find te in himself and his own life. The cause of this apparently was that at the bottom of his heart he knew all the time (or thought he khat he was iy not a man, but a wolf of the Steppes. Clever men might argue the point whether he truly was a wolf, whether, that is, he had been ged, before birth perhaps, from a wolf into a human being, or had been given the soul of a wolf, though born as a human being; or whether, oher hand, this belief that he was a wolf was no more than a fancy or a disease of his. It might, for example, be possible that in his childhood he was a little wild and disobedient and disorderly, and that those whht him up had declared a w……(内容加载失败!)




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