
It still remains to elucidate the Steppenwolf as an isolated phenomenon, in his relation, for example, to the beois world, so that his symptoms may be traced to their source. Let us take as a starting point, si offers itself, his relation to the beoisie.

To take his own view of the matter, the Steppenwolf stood entirely outside the world of vention, since he had her family life nor social ambitions. He felt himself to be single and alone, whether as a queer fellow and a hermit in poor health, or as a person removed from the on run of men by the prerogative of talents that had something of genius in them. Deliberately, he looked down upon the ordinary man and roud that he was not one. heless his life in many aspects was thhly ordinary. He had money in the bank and supported poor relations. He was dressed respectably and inspicuously, even though without particular care. He was glad to live on good terms with the polid the tax collectors and other such po……(内容加载失败!)




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