
Just as the gramophone ihe esthetid intellectual atmosphere of my study and just as the Ameri dances broke in as strangers and disturbers, yes, and as destroyers, into my carefully tended garden of music, so, too, from all sides there broke in new and dreaded and disiing influences upon my life that, till now, bad been so sharply marked off and so deeply secluded. The Steppenwolf treatise, and Hermioo, were right in their doe of the thousand souls. Every day new souls kept springing up beside the host of old ones; making clamorous demands and creating fusion; and now I saw as clearly as in a picture what an illusion my former personality had been. The feacities and pursuits in which I had happeo be strong had occupied all my attention, and I had painted a picture of myself as a person who was in faothing more than a most refined and educated specialist iry, musid philosophy; and as such I had lived, leaving all the rest of me to be a chaos of potentiali……(内容加载失败!)




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