Iown of Savathi, every child khe name of the exalted Buddha, and every house repared to fill the alms-dish of Gotamas disciples, the silently begging ones. he town was Gotamas favourite place to stay, the grove of Jetavana, which the rich mert Anathapindika, an obedient worshipper of the exalted one, had given him and his people fift.

All tales and answers, which the two young ascetics had received in their search fotamas abode, had poihem towards this area. And arriving at Savathi, in the very first house, before the door of which they stopped to beg, food has been offered to them, and they accepted the food, and Siddhartha asked the woman, who hahem the food:

"We would like to know, oh charitable one, where the Buddha dwells, the most venerable one, for we are two Samanas from the forest and have e, to see him, the perfected one, and to hear the teags from his mouth."

Quoth the woman: "Here, you have truly e to the right place, you Samanas from the fo……(内容加载失败!)




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