Dedicated to Wilhelm Gu, my cousin in Japan

Siddhartha learned something new on every step of his path, for the world was transformed, and his heart was ented. He saw the sun rising over the mountains with their forests aing over the distant beach with its palm-trees. At night, he saw the stars in the sky in their fixed positions and the crest of the moon floating like a boat in the blue. He saw trees, stars, animals, clouds, rainbows, rocks, herbs, flowers, stream and river, the glistening dew in the bushes in the m, distant hight mountains which were blue and pale, birds sang and bees, wind silverishly blew through the rice-field. All of this, a thousand-fold and colourful, had always been there, always the sun and the moon had shone, always rivers had roared and bees had buzzed, but in former times all of this had been nothing more to Siddhartha than a fleeting, deceptive veil before his eyes, looked upon in distrust, destio be peed aroyed by thought……(内容加载失败!)




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